
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wacky Animal

LI: to merge two animals together to create a new wacky animal
that is represented by the combined characteristics of both the individual animals.

How did I do it I had to choose from a wacky animal and name
it so I named my one the flying fish dog

Reflection:I did a wacky animal report and we had to choose a
name and copy and paste it on to blogger and share it to the class.

Question for audience:what kind of animal do you like?


  1. I thought there was room for improvements but this was pretty okay I liked how you used a little bit of pictures And liked how you described different things the name could be a bit more creative no offense

  2. That was great! Maybe try working on your spelling. I think that the Flying Fish dog is awesome.

  3. i will improve my spelling by the end of the year
